Need help for building Forex trading PC (1000-1200EUR)

Hello again forum :)

I am on a quest to build Forex trading PC, can you suggest me on what specifications I should look,

Witch MOBO chip set should I get and witch CPU i5 or i7 or maybe something else?

These PC should be reliable and long term build, no plans for update, maybe just video-card. 

On this PC there will be going on Forex trading, + Chrome with multiple tabs for research, word and also excel work. 

This is information, what I know for now!

The thing is that I need 20 such PC's :)

I will make different Forum post where you can suggests me how to manage all these 20 PC's.




Probably Xeon chips, since these are workstations.


For workstations, I know the FirePro card is popular.

If price was no object, something like this:

You can probably downgrade the SSD, GPU, and PSU without making much of a difference. The main thing you failed to include in your OP is budget.

Budget I will know just on 2day.

I was thinking best bang for the buck.

Budget could be 700-1200EUR


How important is the 12 monitors part? For 12 monitors each computer will need 3 or 4 graphics cards each simply so there are enough connectors for all of them.

Anyways, if they're for forex trading I'm thinking you'll probably want either a B85 or Q87 chipset for the features, either a high end i3 to mid tier i5, and probably 8 GB of RAM. Assuming you're in an office or other professional environment you'll one of the quietest graphics cards you can find that support three monitors. Probably a Micro ATX or ITX build to keep the size down as well. I know you're in Europe, but here's an example build:

Also I was thinking about more to go with SILENT PC, because if there will me 20PC's in one room, it could get loud :D

12 Monitors, it maybe if far, far future :D I was checking this website and at botte, thete were a lof ir monitors :D

This looks, really good! I would add SSD, for quick boot and app launching. Also switch Power supply for Gold or Platinum, for reliability.

Yes, keeping size down, also is good idea, thanks.

 B85 or Q87 what is difference in these chip sets?


I've heard/read a lot of FOREX horror stories. If your looking to buy 20 PC's of those specs maybe you've already had some success with currency exchange, but if you are investing in all this gear in anticipation of changing your circumstances, I'd suggest reconsidering this purchase. Just my 2 cents.

Q87 just offers vPro and iSIPP compared to B85. However, both B85 and Q87 offer Intel's Small Business Advantage and identity protection systems compare to the Z- and H-series chips. They're essentially safer to run and less likely to lose important data.

I am not investing :) Just one investment company is moving to new place and they want to update all stuff. So all is good :)

That's good to hear

So for now I have gotten this far.

CPU:Intel Core i5-4690S (3.2GHz, 6MB Cache, LGA1150) --> because have vPro. - 248EUR

MOBO: Asus Q87M-E --> Because ASUS and also have vPro. - 156EUR

RAM: Kingston 8GB, DDR3, 1600MHz, CL9, Single stick, HyperX Savage Red --> XMP and will be able add 3 more 8GB sticks, if needed. - 82EUR

SSD: Samsung 850 Pro, 256GB, because of Warranty. - 189EUR

PSU: Corsair 650W, RM650, 80+ Gold, Modular --> I trust Corsair quality - 137EUR

CASE: Fractal Design Define R5, Titanium --> because R4 is just 4 EUR cheeper  - 108EUR

MONITOR: Dell UltraSharp U2414H, 23.8" --> It hase small bezzle and looks good, also rewievs online were good  - 238EUR


SUM       1158 EUR




+ some keyboard and mouse, maybe you can suggest some keyboards and mouses for office PC's. I just dont want so they look cheep.


The budget is 1000-1200 EUR With all PC components.


What do you think?
Maybe I am missing something?



ehh, I forgot about Windows and Office.

How it is with licensing windows and office for company? What kind of windows do I get?
There is Pro, Personal,  Home, Business etc, I can not wrap my head around this. And what is that Genuine staff?

Maybe for Office you can suggest something free-ware.

Any body here? :) 

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