Need help for a build

Hi all my friend just asked me if I could help him to build a pc for 600$ canadian max he just needs something to watch his movies from go on the internet and maybe a bit later play some games. I was thinking about taking logans 350$ gaming rig and adding on a SSD ( he wants fast boot times ) but i was wondering if there wasnt something better to build him and if someone can help me here I am pretty new to this so dont know what would be best and the guy absolutelywants an hdmi port on the pc since he uses his tv he has no screens can someone help me pls.

ok here is one that will be great for everything he has in mind

case: BitFenix Prodigy $80

psu: Antec EarthWatts EA-650 GREEN 650W $70

mobo: ASRock FM2A75M-ITX FM2 $90

cpu/ apu : AMD A10-5800K $120

memory: G.SKILL Sniper Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 1866 $50

odd: LG Black  Blu-ray Burner, Bare Drive, 3D Play Back (WH14NS40) $55

ssd: Mushkin Enhanced Chronos Deluxe MX MKNSSDCR120GB-MX 2.5" 120GB $110

= 575 excuding tax and or shipping

i hope this helps

This doesn't have an SSD, but will be way faster than an APU build