Need help flashing bios Chip

So I dumped bios to .bin file from donor motherboard, but I can’t flash it to the new bios chip because its size doesn’t match. Can anybody help me with that?screenshot

Your file is too big for the chip, it doesn’t have enough space, get a bigger chip

Can you specify the exact chip model?

Open your computer and look with your own eyes to see the exact chip. Tools alike flashrom has a database of common chip and often can’t detect the correct one 100% of time and you have to pick the correct model of the SPI chip.

Question 1: how did you dumped the bios? Often what’s happening with Internal read is that there are locked regions (ifd lock bit can be flipped externally almost always with external flashers) such as Intel Management Engine that’s protecting the spi chip’s regions from the internal reading.

You can end up with binary with legit bios and ifd layout and the ME region completely trashed with noise.

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