I'm from romania and i would like to know which cpu would you recomend becouse i am on a strict buged and want to puild a gaming pc ....
the AMD FX-8320 ( 764 Lei = 280 Dollars ) or INTEL I7-3770 (1340 Lei = 480 Dollars ) ... please keep in min that th part are more expensive over here and that's why i haveconverted te price :D
well im going to use it for games most of the time and some video editing , but what i wanted to know if the i7 is so much better that the price between the two cpu is supported by the extra performence that the intel cpu sould have
So if your gona be gaming and video editing and stuff like that then the FX-8320 is like the 8350 but not overclocked so be shure to overclock it and with the money saved from the CPU,get a better GPU!
If your just gaming and don't plan to overclock at all check out the intel Core i5 3570 non k its the little brother to the i7 3770 non k. My little brother has the i7 3770 and he's enjoying it with excellent framerates.
Buy the 8320 and just bump it up to 4ghz. The Piledrivers are fine for pretty much anything.
I use the FX-6300 and everything runs amazingly - particularly statistical analysis scripts that are optimised to make use of the number of cores available. So the 8320 could only be better really.