Need help choosing a CPU this is the build I was planning on building but I changed my mind in the pentium because it only has 2 cores, I want a CPU around the same price that will do just as well if not better with 4 cores but I don't know any. This is my first build it's going to be primarily used for gaming and I want to learn how to code on my freetime. 





EDIT: I changed the motherboard and case

try looking at some AMD quad core APU's. those are quad cores that could probhably beat the pentium out of the water.

like the x4-750k

or some of the fx processors (if you want to splash a bit more money)

ok thanks, I will look into it right now

pair that with a radeon card (prefferably R9 270x) and some high speed ram, that pc will rock pretty much any game (except ubisoft of course)

How's this

permalink in the top left of the page, please.

save on ram -> get better GPU ?

Edit: that 750k is prolly too weak to pair with 280
