Cliff Note Version
I have $3k or so to spend
I am building a PC video production switcher (first time build)
I know just enough about computers to sound like an expert to novices and a complete idiot to experts.
I need something so bad-ass that it will laugh at me and call me names when I ask it to do something.
Hey everyone! I need some expertise and I was told this was the forum to come to. Here's my project…
I want to build a PC video production switcher. For those who might not know, a video switcher will allow me to hook up multiple video cameras to a PC and "switch" between them like a TV studio.
I will be streaming live to the web in 720p while simultaneously rendering a 1080p version. I'm going to be using 4 HD cameras so I need a PC with the power of small nuclear reactor.
Here is a similar setup to what I want but with an $8k price tag (WTF ?!?!)
For a CPU, the Live Stream uses an Intel “Sandy Bridge-E" Core i7 3930K 3.2 GHz Six-Core processor, 12MB L3 cache, 130W, Socket LGA 2011
For a graphics card, the Live Stream uses a Nvidia GeForce GT 520 Commercial Series PCI Express (seems a little weak, no?)
Ram is only 8 gigs (what do you expect for $8k?).
Like the Live Stream unit, I’ll likely be using Blackmagic for my capture cards. Here is a list of compatible hardware (including motherboards) that has been approved for BlackMagic products...
If something isn’t supported that you recommend, I’ll contact Blackmagic and ask them their opinion on compatibility.
The software I'll be using to run my switcher is vMix. Here is a list of their supported hardware...
My budget is $2,500 to $3,000 but would be willing to surpass that if you felt I needed to. But that should allow for something pretty sweet (I hope).
I'll be using Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.
The software I'll be using to run my switcher is vMix.
Mandatory Hardware
The card I'll be using for my cameras is the Blackmagic Design DeckLink Mini Recorder (
The Mini Monitor is a 1-lane PCI Express card and is compatible with 4, 8 and 16 lane PCI Express slots. The card features two PCIe shields for both full height and low profile slots.
From what I've read in some forums, the cards use/need a lot of power, especially when you start adding multiple cards. I've also read (excuse me if this doesn't make any sense) that they perform better with PCI slots that work independently or are not connected to any of the other PCI slots (do they sometimes share?) Sorry if that doesn't make any sense. Like I said, I know just enough to sound stupid.
I'll also be using the Blackmagic Design DeckLink Mini Monitor to send a video feed from my computer to a HDTV (
The Mini Monitor is a 4-lane PCI Express card and is compatible with 4, 8 and 16 lane PCI Express slots.
Mother Board
I have no clue. I would likely need something with 4 DIMM slots. I would like two USB 3.0 inputs.
Because each camera will have it's own Blackmagic card, plus the Blackmagic HDMI output card, plus the graphics card, I'll need 6 PCI slots.
According to vMix, the CPU is primarily used for audio/video compression and is used by the Recording and Streaming features in vMix. Highly compressed video formats such as MP4 (H264) require a fast CPU such as a Intel Core i7.
Like the video card, I want something fast, but I don't want to spend a fortune on the latest and greatest just to pick up a small amount of performance. Quad 4 i7 at a minimum I would think?
I would also like an aftermarket heat-sink. I'm fanatical about heat.
Video Card
vMix states that All DirectX 10 Compatible graphics cards are supported.
According to vMix, the faster the graphics card, the more inputs I can add and the higher the resolution I can use for streaming and recording.
I'm not looking to skimp here, but I don't want to spend a bundle for the latest and greatest only to get a little extra performance. If possible, I'd like something with at least 2 gigs of on-board memory and dual monitor ability.
Audio Card
I'm going to be using a mixing board for 4 or 5 sound sources and then sending them into the PC via USB. Would I want a dedicated sound card or would integrated audio be fine? Do you suggest a different solution?
Would 64 gigs be ridiculous? I was thinking 32 gigs minimum.
500 gig SSD. This would be for my OS and recording my productions. What do you think about this unit?
Two 2TB HDD. One as my main and for archiving my productions and one for backup.
Optical Drive
I have a unit I can use.
Power Supply
I want something relatively quiet. Like I mentioned above, the BlackMagic cards use a lot of power so I'd rather have too much than too little.
I’d also like something that is energy efficient (relatively speaking).
It's important that I have plenty of power. From what I've read, the Blackmagic cards are energy hogs.
Something cool (and cool) but functional.
Just something basic but not a POS.
- Not included in the price of the build, but I'd love some suggestions. They don't have to be studio quality for color correction and all that jazz. I just want something with decent quality, big (around 24" to 32") and reasonably priced.
I would like at least two USB 3.0 ports.
I want a system that is relatively quiet with good heat disbursement.
I’m not a fan of liquid cooling. I think wind chill works better.
I’m in the US and don’t have a retailer I prefer.
Not sure about overclocking. I don’t even know how to do that TBH.
I’ll also be using this system to run Adobe Suite (After Effects, PS, Premier).
This will be my first build, but I’ve been watching a ton of YT videos and feel confident that I can do this without breaking anything or injuring myself.
Seriously, you’re still reading this? And you’re sober? Holy F*ck. You, Sir (or Ma'am) are a die-hard-monster-mo-fo-take-no-prisoners-techie. And I like it.
Thanks for any and all help. It is really appreciated. If possible, please explain your decisions so that I can understand your thought process. This is important to me since I want to learn about this more. And by all means, don’t be shy about recommendations or opinions.