January 23, 2015, 10:59pm
Hello , I need some help with a build.My budget is $750 to $1000.I am not sure to go amd or nvidia,what
motherboard,which ram ,and other such things. I will be using this primarily for gaming, I want to get a build that
can run consistent over 60 fps at 1080p, but is also very stable and components that work well together to
minimize problems as I am not as educated on these matters.I have all other peripherals other than the tower.
I live in the U.S.
Any suggestions would be helpful and much
This is what i came up with just quickly grabbing things
Looks good if you plan to do:
Mild overclocking of the CPU
SLI 970 in the future
I would consider getting a 120GB SSD in there as well. A total budget to workaround would be good.
January 24, 2015, 11:59pm
Total most able to spend is 1050 dollars.Thanks for your advice on the ssd and I may sli ,but it would be a year or so before that would be possible.
Here's something for the AMD side, will be able to handle pretty much anything you give it and enough head room for another graphics card into the future.