Need help asap :D

Hi guys i got one question i got athlon x4 860k, im planing on buying gtx 960. If i oc my cpu to like 4.2 ghz will it bottleneck gtx 960?
Wont be streaming,just gaming!

it depends a bit on what kind of games you are playing.
But basicly it should be okay.

If you play allot of mmo / rpg games, then there might be some bottenecking going on.
Because those type of games, are cpu demending mainaly.

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Ahh im planning on playing some mmos,hmm i guess i could go with amd fx 6300 with r9 270x then, il sell my x4 860k and buy this build, would it be better?

no not realy, FX cpu´s also suffer from the lack of per core performance in general.
I would just say grab a GTX960 or 280X in your case.

If you are a diehard mmo player, and you like to play online aswell, the best thing you could do is save some more money, and go with an haswell i5 i think.

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Alright thanks i guess il go with athlon x4 860k and gtx 960 :)

intel cpu´s are basicly the best for mmo´s, but yeah a core i5 are a bit expensive for now maybe.

The PentiumG is also a good cpu for mmo´s, but the problem is that its only a dualcore, so there are a couple of games, that not even run on that, like farcry 4, but also games that are optimized to use 4 cores, will have a hard time on the dualcore pentiumG so thats why those cpu´s dont make much sense to me for gaming.

FX6300 is basicly one of the best cpu´s you could get below $100,- if you play allot of AAA title games.
But the yeah some mmo´s will run a but crappy on amd.

Do you have a total budget?

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Well i could sell this pc its old aniways and buy a new one but the problem are prices,in my country for example gtx 960 costs 241 euro, r9 270x 212 euro,amd fx 6300 105 i can only combine either only gtx 960 on my old cpu or sell that cpu and buy r9 270x + amd fx 6300 :/ btw r9 280 is 239 euro but it requires better psu and my isnt that good so yeah. So should i just buy gtx 960?

I think that a GTX960 should basicly fine with your current cpu right now.
Yeah im from Europe aswell, the pricings are awfull in Europe.

€212,- for a 270X is rediculous to be honnest, i paid €225,- for my 7870GHz 2.5 years ago.
and we basicly talk about the same card here.

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Yeah its terrible :(
Aniways thanks for your help, have a great day :D
Gonna order gtx 960 next week :P