Need Help $1300 Gaming Build

I need help with my first build and I want the most for my money. I dont know too much about the difference batween the different brands of components. I would really appriciate the help thanks.

You got monitor, keyboard, mouse?

What will you be using it for? Also, do you have an OS?

heh, as you can see we would absolutely love to help you, but you need to give us some info back. Asking for a build and a budget is good, but still very vague.

I have a moniter, keyboard and mouse probably windows 7 and What you mean vague


And I would like upgradeability, multitasking and performance gaming 

Vague because before you stated your budget. We aren't sure what to include in the build because we don't know what you actually already have.

Anyways I came up with this a under $1300 before rebates

Im pretty much starting from scratch besides the keyboard moniter and mouse.

Got speakers?

