Need camera and Microphone suggestion

Going to keep this short and sweet. I am getting tired of using my webcam and headset for my videos. That is due to the lack of funding. I will be getting what is left over of my financial aid in october. I'm trying to stay within the $200-350 range for a new camera and microphone.

Expectations for camera:

  • Needs to be able to record directly to my computer (via Xsplit)
  • 1080P
  • Takes an SD Card


  • Want it to look decent
  • must be usb (if possible)

i'm trying to stay within that budget. Any help will be greatly considered

P.S. if anyone has spare camera that fit my needs, I can take it off your hands and give it a new life. 

Mic wise, I would say get a Blue Yeti. I believe they are around $150 and sound quite good. Youtube has plenty of mic tests if you want to hear it.