Need an upgrade please :D

My current specs are :

Intel i3 550

gateway SX2851

7gb RAM no idea what its called

graphics card gtx 650 ti 1gb

Im happy with my graphics card for now but i think i need to upgrade i dont know much about computers  can someone suggest a good processor with motherboard and RAM  

Thank you :D

good cpu would be a

i5 3570k or i5 4670k for intel

FX 8350 for AMD 


For a i5 4670k pretty much any z87 asus or msi motherboard

For a i5 3570k well to be honest the boards are getting slim on that better to go with the 4670k but if you want one just search for LGA 1155 


If you go AMD FX 8350, I recommend a Sabertooth 990fx R2.0, Its a good all around board for OC, SLI, Crossfire, etc and has a 5 year warranty. Only complaint is it doesn't have power buttons and stuff on the board like the crosshair v formula-z

It totally depends on what you plan to do with your computer. Do you want to game, if so, what games? MOBA's that don't require high spec's, or more demanding games? Editing/rendering of videos, live streaming, etc.? 

Help us out so we can help you.

edit: oh yeah, and what's your budget?

i play Dota 2 a lot which runs fine but i would like to start livestreaming and also be able to play newer games at high settings like theif or maybe witcher 3 :) 

Edit: budget is if its just for the mother board and proccessor £300 and for full pc £700

Alright, this is tricky because you have a pre-built PC with a small form-factor case. Your current case will really dictate what you can and cannot put inside. 

Depending on your budget, I recommend buying a decent mid-tower case. Look at what Corsair has to offer, they make quality products. Changing out your case will really broaden your possibilities.

To the graphics card, your 650 Ti will suffice in MOBA's, but it [most likely] not run Witcher 3 and other demanding games on high settings with respectable frame rates. Still, depending on your budget, if you choose to upgrade you may need to change out your power supply you got with your pre-built PC. I don't know what you want to spend on upgrading your PC, so I cannot suggest a graphics card.

(If compatible) You may want to recycle your RAM into your new PC, because RAM prices are still expensive.

You mentioned you want to live stream. Your current i3 is fine for just playing MOBA's and whatnot. If you're on a budget, go with an AMD FX-8350 and 990FX motherboard, great processor for live streaming games. If you want to spend more, buy a i7 4770 and z87 motherboard, it will give you more single core performance and thus more overall performance.

Logan's video on the 8350 and live streaming:

Also look into OBS and Intel Quick Sync and NVIDIA NVENC encoding. They basically offload encoding off your CPU. But the quality isn't as great as just CPU x264 encoding. You don't necessarily need a powerful CPU to live stream with these technologies.

Okay what I recommend

i have built the pc myself i have a Zalman Z9 Plus Midi Tower Case i bought the parts very cheap from my cousin. thanks for the suggestions thoughi will do some research and find whats good for me + prices

swap that i7-4770 for an Xeon 1230v3 to save a hundred bucks

+1 on the Xeon, since it's basically an i7-4770 without the integrated graphics.


swap that mobo for a B85 ot H87 chipset as well... save more money