tried this before, was very screwed, didn't turn out well, gonna try again
so since the PS4 has been announced and it has an 8 core AMD processer, and an AMD GPU, this leads me to believe that next gen content will not only be able to take use of and optimize more cores, but run better on AMD tech, so i guess an AMD based system is in order here, especially due to the budget, and that an intel rig in the same price range will probably be limited to a dual core i3. another thing is, next gen content also means next gen hardware (haswell, and whatever's next from AMD) so if i don't have the cash by the time this stuff hits, i'm coming back for a follow up/redo of this for next gen hardware (unless the same budget for next gen tech won't get as good performance as the following PC's you guys are gonna configure)
SOO..... $1100 for a full system, i already have the OS, keyboard, mouse, and mousepad selected, so i need the tower, internals(INCLUDING a DVD writer), and a monitor. and I AM BUYING WINDOWS, I AM NOT A THIEF, YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND
here's the link, start from here and keep it under $1100