Need advice with new rig


So far i have purchased a:

full tower case made by thermaltake

and a gpu by nivida the 670 w/ 4gb memory 

and a 1050 watt psu

I have had sevral concerns with my mobo wich mainly revolves around the cpu for example people have often been saying "i5 2500k wil overcloclk much faster than a 2600k, or 2700k thrfore i am confused, and seek the awnser why the i5 is better than most ivy bridge, and i7 sandy bridge processers whe they alredy are faster. 

(This refers to the paragraph above) but i am concerned what exactly logan stated in his recent video "ivy bridge v sandy bridge, and gtx 680 v 690" video when he stated in the first two minutes on the cpu segment that for the tock segment of ivy bridge it's wise to purchase 2011 sockets therfore shoud i buy a mobo with a 2011 socket or just a 1155 socket. Because I absolutely want the best processor (money is not a main handicap[however i dont want to pay over $1,000 for a cpu]). And so the main question statnds on wich socket to buy on a mobo, and wich processor is the best (atm i5 2500k or other intel processors).

BTW: this is a gaming rig.

fell free to add me on steam with suggestions ( i love steam typing chat box). Steam name 3 Dog(pic is an asian lady) username ace1166761

Ivy Bridge is just hard to overclock and runs hot, so you can usually overclock the 2500K or 2600K higher than its Ivy Bridge counter part and end up getting more performance out of it that way. The 2600K will always perform better than the 2500K, but the 2500K will be easier to overclock since you don't have to worry about stability issues with hyper threading. The difference is that the 2500K is cheaper, and if you're just going to be gaming then you don't need the extra hyperthreading performance since most games usually only use one or two cores anyway. If you're going to be doing other things like video rendering, encoding, or 3D Modeling, then the i7 would be the way to go. You could always get the 2600K and overclock it if you just want the best too.