Need advice on potential NAS/Home Server Build

I made a topic before, but I'll be more specific here.  I want to build a NAS for under $250 US (without HDDs).  For prices, the 1366 socket seems to be relatively cheap used.  Power usage is not really an issue but I would like at least 4 SATA ports and ECC RAM support.    Perhaps even Dual CPU support if it's cheap.


I want to use this for:

  • Storage
  • Plex transcoding (1-2 1080p)

Plex doesn't seem to need much memory, but what would be a good minimum?  Is a platinum PSU necessary?  Noise is not an issue for the PSU fan.  What Raid Array or other options should I go for?  Raid 5?  What is the best OS?




Okay, so I just bought two Xeon 5530s for practically nothing.  Any advice on the memory, PSU, and board?  There are a lot of server boards.  Should I just find the cheapest dual socket I can?