Need advice on a cpu swap

need some advice... I currently use a 4930k and was offered an es version of the 4960x (used). would you trade? i'm concerned about resale value (which on an es model, is none) and there's absolutely no perf. gain for gaming and hardly anything outside the margin of error for anything else.  sounds like I just gave myself the answer lol but i'm curious what some other opinions on this are... your help is much appreciated!

i dont think it will make much sense.

i mean in gaming you wont gain any performance today. in productivity you could gain a littlebit performance, but i think still not realy something to get excited about.

Are you trading for free ?

Why is he trading for a cpu with the same socket ?

You can always resell it for ~400€ ( 4960x ) and just keep the 4930k , or the other way around .

yeah, it'd be a straight up trade.  he upgraded to the 5960x and can't sell the engineering sample to anyone for legal reasons.  my 4930k is retail so he wants to trade in order to sell off his old x79 platform.  but then i'd be stuck with a sample chip that i can't resell if I ever decide to upgrade... but I want to do a friend a favor so i'm stuck lol

technically you can sell it for him just don't put it in his name since he was the one who signed the nda

people are selling them



Has 4960 been thrashed?

I would do the trade and try it and if it isn't an improvement sell it for at least $600 and spend it on your rig.

Damn ... that's almost $800 USD

didn't realize you could sell them... thanks for the link.

no, not thrashed at all.  barely ever oc'd

if I can get rid of it easily when I upgrade in a year or so that would be great.  maybe i'll try it out and see how what it can handle.