I want to build a €650 gaming pc, which is functional and also looks great with a black/blue theme. I will be playing games like: The elder scrolls online and The witcher 3. I also want to do some emulation, like Dolphin (Wii emulator) in the futuer. After some digging around I've put together an AMD and an Intel build, I've used the german PC-partpicker, because I live in the Netherlands and we also use the euro. The r9 280x which is mentioned in both builds will be bought used for about €120-150
Intel build: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/4sKpkL, not every item was afvailable so I'll list the prices of the parts that aren't mentioned in the PC-partpicker build. MSI B85-G43 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard:€ 77,00 NZXT S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case: € 71,80 Cooler Master 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply: € 62,95 (The 550W version is €58,95) The total cost of this build will be €630 when I buy all the parts in dutch stores
AMD build: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/p/3L7823 The total cost of this build will be: €580 Ofcourse if I'm going the AMD route I will be overclocking the fx-6300 to hopefully around 4.5 GHz
I will also need a way to get internet to my room, I can't run an ethernet cable, so I think my best option will be to get an ethernet over powerline adapter, any advice on the best way to connect to the internet are greatly appreciated. I also will need a copy of windows, my plan with this is to get a key of marktplaats.nl, which is like a craigslist for the netherlands, you can get a OEM-license for €10-35. Has anyone got any experience with this.
Which build should I take, the AMD or the Intel and are there any improvements to be made?
TLDR: Need a €650 gaming build with a used €120-150 GPU and als a way to get a cheap windows license and a way to connect to the internet.
Thanks for the quick reply, I use this site for looking up parts: http://tweakers.net/ It's all in dutch but I'm sure you can figure it out :) just type which computer part you want in "zoek in de site", then you should be able to see all the prices. All retailers on that site are fine. Here is the link with both of my builds with all the dutch retailers: http://tweakers.net/gallery/655250/wenslijst/?wish_id=695468. If you click on the blue button "bestelkosten berekenen" you can see the cheapest prices with delivery included.
Given the emulation you'll probably want to go intel, the increased single threaded performance is great for that, though I emulated games like budokai 3, double dash, and kingdom hearts just fine on my 750K so eh.
Otherwise just use linux man*wink**wink*
I've never used powerline ethernet, but are you certain you can't just run a 200 foot cable to your room? Just duct tape it along the walls. Otherwise wireless is always an option no?
You also may want to look at 280s, they should be a bit cheaper and perform nearly on par with the 280x.
I was already leaning towards the Intel build, so I think I'll go with that, the better emulation is just an added benefit. I can't run a 200 foot cable along the wall, I don't think my dad will be happy with that :P. Wireless is an option, but I've read that the ethernet over powerline adapters are more reliable. But if someone can recommend me a good wifi card or USB adapter that's reliable and cheap I could also consider that. The 280 is not a bad idea, but since I'm buying a used GPU there isn't much price difference between the 280 and the 280x.
I've had extremly good experiences with powerline adapters and have yet to meet anyone whos had anything but possitve things to say about them. Also if your house has cable or phone lines running through it and your not using those lines you could convert either of them (Thats what we ended up doing in my house).
Awesome, I'm going to use a powerline adapter then. I also have an old phone line that I could maybe use, but I think that it is CAT 3, which would mean that I could only get about 10 Mbps, so a powerline adapter would be the best solution.