So I need a little help setting up a Virtual Machine with GPU Pass-Through. I am using Linux Mint 18.3 for this and I want my Virtual Machine to be Windows 7 or newer. Why has no one in the Linux Community made an easy user friendly gui VM to set up GPU pass-through up yet? Please no one point me to the Lime Tech Software unRaid sure you can do GPU pass-through but, its really meant for a NAS server thats really reliable. My use is gaming and and Making stuff in AutoCAD, and Soildworks.
Here are the specs of my PC
CPU: i5 4690K
GPU A : Nvidia GTX 780 (I want Linux to use this one)
GPU B : Nvidia GTX 1060 (I want the Virtual Machine to use this GPU)
Motherboard : BioStar Hi-Fi Z87X 3D
500 GB HDD (with Linux Mint 18.3)
500 GB SSD (with windows 10 pro 64bit) [would like the VM boot off this SSD]
1 TB HDD (Nothing on it)
1 TB HDD (Nothing on it)
2 TB HDD (Nothing on it)
4 TB HDD (This is my baby this is the do not format drive it has all my Steam games for Linux and Windows)
Now I watched these 2 videos through and still can’t get my system to work. I am going to take a guess its the GPUs and Nvidia being a bitch when it comes to GPU Pass-Through.
Well, there is a GUI for creating and managing the VM. It is called virt-manager. You will also need QEMU, KVM, and VFIO installed. Windows 8+ and OVMF(separate install) is easier to setup than Windows 7 or lower and Seabios(default in QEMU).
I can not help you very much with how much info you have given. You have to tell us what exactly is not working, or where you are stuck and what steps you have completed)
This guide is what I mostly used, and it should mostly work for you, just google how to do it in mint if the particular command does not work.-
That is a very old guide(2014), well at least in terms of PCI passthrough. I would strongly recomend using virt-manager to create your VM, it is very easy to set your entire SSD to be used directly by the VM. Just type /dev/sd in the disk box in virt-manager. That guide uses direct QEMU commands. It is easier to use the gui in virt-manager and the config XML(virsh edit ) it creates rather then direct QEMU commands.