Need a router for multiple conso- I mean PCs

My current router's a Cisco E-2000.  I feel it's time for a new wireless router.  My house consists of four gamers.  We started playing Destiny. (I do PC gaming, too, so don't be hatin'!)  Bungie keeps yelling at us about our NAT type, and we have issues joining each others' games and party chats.  I think part of that may lie with Sony and/or Bungie, but what can you do.  


Much to my buddy's chagrin, I strung a wire to my room.  The others, however, use wireless connections to play.  We need a router that efficiently deals with multiple consoles accessing the same ports wirelessly at the same time.  I know you can't port forward to multiple IP addresses, but a better router might help, yeah?  There at least have to be other routers that operate with a more flexible NAT type than what we have right now.



You could purchase a few of these instead of a router: 2 Pack LINK  Single LINK

I have been using this for a while and they are pretty reliable. Just connect one into a wall socket next to your router, then install one each next to a console in a wall socket. The two pack comes with 2 6ft cables and the single should come with a 6ft cable. I suppose spending ~$75 opposed to $130+ on a very reliable router could be a decent trade-off.

First off. Wireless sucks for gaming and i would suggest moving to a wired connection. As for the NAT problem you may want to try port triggering and not porforwarding.