Hey guys! I'm going to start working soon and I was thinking of getting a new workstation PC. I will be gaming as well but I don't want to be the primary thing I'm going to be doing here. I've built computers before but I want your guys chip ins for this build. This will be used for, Maya, Blender, Photoshop, and Sony Vegas. Looking for fastest render times and smooth work flow. Thanks!
Price Range 2500$
My computer right now:
8gb Ram 1866mhz
R7 260x
Hyper t4 cooler
1tb HDD
$2500,- is allot of money.
I made a build which i think would be a good match for your needs.
Option 1: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bdQ8wP
I think something like this would be a very decent base to start with.
Cpu i7 4790k or greater i7. Look into Xeon variations.
GPU 980, hell get a titan x
Get 16gigs+ of the highest clocked ram you can find.
@MisteryAngel whats the dual core r9 290 called? His budget is silly enough for a titan x or 980x2. Does stream processors do well in those programs better?
@ViolentBooGaming Are you able to visit a microcenter? Which places online would you prefer to buy your parts?
Yes his budget is indeed possible to go with a Titan X, or R9-295X2.
that where the other options i was looking at.
But i think those 2 gpu´s might be overkill.
I would personaly wait for the 390X.
highspeed ram is a waste of money.
I choose a 6 core 5820k that destroys when it comes time to render. Then you get 32gb's of ram to deal with all the big projects and models you want to play with. For storage I went a different direction. You get a half terabyte program and os drive, plus a terabyte project drive. Then a three terabyte mass storage drive for things like games, movies and music. For graphics cards I went with crossfire 290x's. These are the dcu2 variant from Asus which is legendary for its quiet operation and good temperatures. These will destroy rendering projects that can utilize OpenCL. I centered the build around an Msi MPower motherboard for a rich feature set and large vrm cooling solutions. Being as the 290x's need a good amount of air flow, I went with the air 540 from Corsair. Its a very easy case to build in and it is going to give those cards lots of room to breathe. The build is powered by a 1200 watt 80+ Gold power supply from cooler master.
Just something I threw together with quality components.
The built above is also a very nice option.
Thanks for all the help guys!