Need a new mobo

So I'm looking for a new motherboard because my current one sucks hard. I got a Phenom II 955, 550ti and Define R4 case (ATX at max). I don't know what I'm looking for, I know almost nothing about motherboards. I need something reliable this time. And possible a fan control feature like Asus Fan Xpert.

And I live in Canada so Canadian stores preferred.

Any ideas guys?

And what is your budget here?

$125 Canadian. Could go up or down a bit if needed.

Asus M5A97 evro R2.0

Asus M5A99X evo R2.0

Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0

Gigabyte GA-970A ud3

Gigabyte GA-990FXA-ud3

have fun with youre choice, dependin on youre planes realy.. if you ever plan to run a crosfire or sli setup in the future, you better go with a 990FX chipset, if you just gonne run a single gpu setup, then a 970 chipset will do also fine.

I personaly prefer the Asus M5A97 evo R2.0 or Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0. those boards supporting philedriver out of box so if you plan to upgrade in the future thise boards are ready for philedriver or FX2.0  FX-x3xx

 Grtz Angel ☺


Asus Mobo's are by far my most favourite! 

thanks for the recommendations. Just one question though, do Gigabyte boards have a feature like Asus's Fan Xpert? If so, how good is it? I would prefer a feature that turns the fans either way down or completely off during idle.