Need a new computer chair

Hey, I just broke my cheap target computer chair and I need a new one, I'm using an ANCIENT one that we've had since before we had a computer with a Pentium 3 and it's too big for my butt. I'm 5'6" and 120 pounds, so I really can't use a big chair, but I do like to put my feet up on the chair and legs to my chest a lot when i'm on the computer  maybe that's why I die so much in FPS's). Any suggestions, I would prefer to spend no more than 100 dollars, and cheaper is always good, but I guess I could spend more.

Go to Office Depot or Office Max and start sitting in chairs.  That's my suggestion.  See which you feel comfortable in, which are on sale, and there ya go.

Go to a local thrift store and get a chair for cheap

I got a cheap one from office depot which felt very comfortable after sitting in, but came and bit me in the ass once it got into my home. It felt like a rock after 5-10 minutes of sitting.

just think about how long your use will be, and plan accordingly.

I did find on at office max for 100 and is rated for 6-8 hours a day of sitting, so I think i'll get that one

I've always had a rough time with chairs, but recently I had a back muscle spasm that merited a more in depth consideration of what I will be sitting in for many hours each day.

I got this chair about a year ago in hopes of solving my ergonomics issues and save my back, and so far it has been working very well. I realize this is outside of the price range specified, but trust me when I say this should be your first investment. A new GPU is cool, but I promise that you will benefit far more from a good seat which can support you for years. Go to an office store and try chairs out, which is exactly how I chose this one, and I think you'll find exactly what you need. I can't emphasize enough how important the ergonomics of your computer setup are. Even just the change from a crappy "laptop" keyboard to a Corsair K70 has made everything I do at the computer more enjoyable. 

If you are very rich buy a DX Racer

200-or more euro

How much time do you spend sitting in your chair? Do you want arm rests? What sort of material would you like it made of?