Need a New Case That Will Actually Fit the H80i GT

I have the Thermaltake Versa 22+. This being a budget case, it really dose not like the H80i. Which does not make sense because it has grommets in the back for water cooling. As you can see, there is BARELY any room for this thing...

Does any one have any suggestions for 50-60 dollars? I'll go to 80 but that is as high as I can go.

I have that same cooler mounted in my Carbide 300R. I gotta tear down tonight to install new PSU so I'll upload pic of it for you to see if it's confortable for you or not.

here is a pic of my H80i GT mounted on FX8350 in Carbide 300R

ignore the random 2.5" drive sitting in there lol

Hey, thanks for the suggestion. Looks quite roomy in there, so I might take it. Looking at the S340 as well form NZXT.

i like it. i took the pic before i swapped the PSU but nothing really changed. i would try to get the second fan on the radiator though, i noticed some difference in CPU temps. the H80i GT has a somewhat thick rad i think. compared to my H100i (yeah it fit but i do not recommend it). S340 seems like a good case too. hardware canucks did a review and i think they noticed the side panel scratched easily. i dont have a side panel on my 300R (i really dont care how my shit looks inside) but they do have that as an option