long story short stuff happened and now I'm stuck with a 2011 pre-built PC. I can run games on lower settings fine, get 20-30 FPS in games like Heroes and Generals, but its only gonna get worse from here on out with next gen and 4k. Due to financial restrictions I've got about 100$ USD (120$ CAD) and really can't afford to spend anymore, at most 130$ CAD. I'm looking for older cards, anything is better than on board. I'd appreciate any suggestions you have, thanks!
AMD's Radeon HD 7770 (re-branded as the Radeon R7 250X), - $100 second hand. 1gb VRAM
GTX 750 Ti selling for $120 - 1gb
Radeon R7 260X is around $150 - 2gb versions can be found
You get what you pay for although with a thermal paste swap out the 250x can be over clocked to a similar level as the 260x I have been told.
Keep your eyes open on second hand offers :)
thanks, I've been checking ebay quite a bit recently, people put their cards up for way too much nowadays.
I'm UK based but gumtree is pretty good for tech in my area, not sure how it would be for you?
Some websites also offer discounts on items they have used for reviews as well (got £120 off my monitor due to this) so it may be worth a look at b grade or used items on larger retailers.
It's iffy. I live in a smaller town near vancouver, so theres a lot less postings for tech. I've seen a lot of parents selling theirs kids computers for either dirt cheap (300$ for a 750ti build) or for ridiculous prices (remember one for 3000$, claimed it was the best PC ever), most people here either know their tech or are beyond stupid. There isn't as much of that stuff anymore, otherwise I'd be swimming in parts.
Yeah there is a pretty big divide between those in the know and who arent, not much midground sadly. Luckily enough it seems enough people who are in the PC scene to keep second hand parts easy enough to come by at a generally reasonable price. You always find some people trying to scam those who arent in the know by over charging them but thats life I guess!