Need a Cheap Motherboard? Here's a Tip!

Currently it appears many video card scalpers are selling B550 (maybe other models too?) motherboards at around 50-75 dollars on Ebay because they bought them in combo deals on Newegg with video cards.

Search for B550 and sort by price. It’s pretty crazy atm. You can check what other items they are selling and most will show up with a 3080 for like 1200 bucks for sale as well on their account.

Anyways, a good shot at getting a cheap mobo if you happen to be looking.


I would be highly suspicious of those motherboards because the main reason why certain products are getting bundled with GPUs right now is because they would not normally be able to be sold due to them having an extremely bad reputation (a prime example of this is the Gigabyte PSUs that are being bundled) or they are extremely overpriced for what they offer.

Well that might be the case.
But there are also plenty of really good B550 boards.

So when people are looking at boards like that,
they can just ask questions about them on the forum.
I´m more then willing to help and give advices where i can.
But so are others around here on the forum.

just feel free to ask. :wink:


You might need to instead of a VRM thread

Make a boards thread. Every release. Make it a WIP wiki.

Board comparisons attract a lot of search engine attention


That might be a good idea yeah.


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