Need a better GPU

Hey there TEK!


So I need some help :) . Long story short , my 7950 3GB Sapphire became a bit outdated (Used to be in Crossfire but one of my cards died ) . I'm a bit upset since I got this new game , "Dying Light" and it runs pretty badly on my system so I think it's time for an upgrade since GTA 5 is coming out on March for PC and I want to play it maxed out on 1080p :) .


Here are my PC specs (I think the only thing I need to change is my GPU but point out anything if you have to)


Corsair 850RM PSU

Asrock 990FX Extreme4

16 GB Corsair DDR3 Ram

128 SSD

Sapphire HD7950 3gb


So ... What do you guys recommend ? I'm looking forward to purchase the product in about 1 month .


Thank you in advance!


Have a nice day !

price range ? 

how many monitors do you use? 

One month? If you can wait until March or April there should be a whole new lineup of cards from AMD.

Dying light hates AMD anyway. So... Also if 4 is anything to go by GTA V will blow hard.

Hey I know what, how about a 970!?! Lulz.

Seriously you are looking at a 290/X right now. Or a 980. But wait a little longer and the 300 series will have loads of choose especially as it will crash some prices.

Right not 290 or sit tight.

Since you failed to state a budget, I recommend four GTX 980 Kingpin editions.

Agreed. It's more than likely a cpu bottleneck since dying light completely loads one core. 

Op, do you have your  view distance set to minimum?