Need a $700 starting computer

I would love it if you could use (It helps me organize)

I need a new monitor and key board, 1080p is fine.

I also want a dedicated gpu. I also plan on updating it in the future so a good mobo/psu would help.

If any one would be kind enought to help me that would be great.

Hey check out my rate my build post the is a $750 build all parts for pcpartpicker ill give a link later got school however it doesn't have a gpu but the iintergrated graphics are very good and u could easily save money and pick a cheaper keyboard and mouse

well, the integrated gfx on the apu;s is really more akin to the graphics processors in dedicated gpu's. only diff is that it doesn't have the memory, and it's stuck into a cpu.

soz dont know how to get the link for my build (im on chrome)

gotta go to whichever browser you saved it in

saved in chrome

but dont know how to copy the link cuz i dont want the generic link to a fresh pcpartpicker page

in your build page, there should be a url just above the table to link to


oh ok 

i was lookin in my build not actually viewing that build.(silly me) anyway here is the link

I am considering building with the A10-5800k. How well do you think it could run Planetside 2? 


just fine, maybe not max @1080, but decently