Need a 500w PSU

Is there a 500w PSU(80 plus bronze) that doesn't have the fan facing upward? My price range is about 40-55 us dollars. I wanted to get a EVGA 500b 500w, but it would overheat cause no air would enter it. It would be powering a gtx 760 and an i5 4570.

Seriously?? Take your psu and rotate it 180 degrees.

You think i didn't try that?

It seems like it is your case that is incompatible with PSU mounting in both orientations.If the PSU is on the top you might need to cut out a square for the fan to intake from the top, buy a magnetic dust filter and cover the top to keep dust out of the PSU. If its on the bottom do the same thing, but if your case doesn't have any feet to stand at least 1/2" off the desk/table do not mount the PSU in that way, you are going to choke it and no air flow is going to generate heat for the PSU.

it's symmetrical, so no you clearly didn't

His case has a top mount psu, But it does not realy matter much, if you have a good airflow inside your case. ☺

If you are handy enough you could open up your psu and rotate the fan, so that it sucks air from the back, the only problem will be the dust it sucks in then. ☺

What? You comment is very vague.

>flip it over

>i tried that

>no you didn't

sober up bro