I've had my sights on a FreeNAS build for quite some time now and have finally gotten the money. I was wondering what hard drive I should go with though. I only really plan to store Videos/Backups and will not be having it to constant transfers but I will have it on 24/7. I only have about $150 for the drives in total and was considering a WD Red drive. Is this a bad decision? I could get two Blue drives for the same price. Thanks for the help!
*Note I would be using RAID if I were to get more than one drive
I think I would go with a WD Green. I mean any one correct me if I'm wrong but Reds are more like high performance drives. Blacks are more or less just standard drives. And Greens are low heat low energy drives. If you are going for a NAS I would advise Greens because of its low heat and high efficiency for running all the time.
Greens are low power with slower spindle speeds.
Blacks are high performance drives
Blues are in between and have the best of both worlds
Reds are optimised for RAID as they have features disabled that normally cause errors on RAID cards with drives spinning down/going idle. They are also high performance. They are also much more tolerable to vibrations caused by any drives in close proximity.
Mmm okay. Thanks for clarification. Either way if hes only got about 150 dollars to spend on drives id still recommend going with the Greens because of the low power and cost effectiveness. Its not like he'll be runn 3 4Tb Reds in RAID so, I still think for 150 bucks Green Drives would be his best bet.
Anone have any opinions on WD AV-GP drives over standard sata drives. I intend to use the to use the NAS system both for file storage as well as streaming media, NAS "may" be on 24x7, but not sure at this point.
I can only recommend green drives if you use WDilde3 to set it's headparking state higher. Use you will see a SMART warnings pretty quickly as it's headparking state is faar to aggressive.
Nothing wrong with the drive though if you use the tool though. Personally I would say HGST/Hitachi 5K series they just rock and they tend to be cooler also.
WD Red isn't much more expensive than Green, and you get a 3 year warranty instead of 2, so that's nice.