NAS and Network Help


Was hoping someone could help me out on this.

I recently was gifted one of those Western Digital MyCloud Home Drives. It is a NAS solution though be it limited in customization and functionality, but until I can get something better this will work for now.

The drive works fine and I am able to access my Public Shares folder. However since I cant change much about the drive the only thing I can do is access it via IP such as etc by typing in Windows \ \ The name of the drive is something long and silly MYCLOUD-1541025. No ability to change it as again its a super consumer drive with little advanced user function.

My question is, can you assign a name on the network level to resolve to this IP? For example I want to name my drive NAS and be able to use \ \nas to access it? If it helps I do have a Unifi Dream Machine at the core of my network. I can’t force the drive to do a static IP either so I told Unifi to use a Fixed IP in the settings.

If by chance someone can provide some steps if this can be done or not? Perhaps a article? Thanks for the help!

This is what you’ll want to do:

Then add a line like: wdcloud

or whatever name you want to call it by. You’d need to do that on each PC you want to have the shorter name used from. :slight_smile:

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All you need for samba is tcp over port 445 .

You can use any DNS name to access the share.

Unfortunately, afaik, Ubiquiti doesn’t let people ssh into UDM, and they don’t let you specify arbitrary DNS names through the UI, so unless you have pi hole or something similar at home, @Buffy’s advice to go via the hosts file is good.


Thank you all for your help!

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