Names of the YouTube Level1 Techs?

Sorry to create a new topic for this, but I’m new to Level1Techs, and I can’t find the names of the various folks in the YouTube videos. I"ve looked through the various FAQ/About/Info pages but frankly they are all kind of a mess.

I really love the vlog/blog, whatchacallit, but it really only works when all three are present, as you all do keep each other in-check. :wink:

Thanks for the content!

@wendell - Wendell
@kreestuh - Krista
@ryan - Ryan (aka Boeregard)

Do you mean the main three? @ wendell, @ kreestuh and @ ryan

@ Level1_Amber , @ Autumn and @ GrantyBoy work in the background to make the magic happen…

And @ GigaBusterEXE helps out too.

Now of course, I’ve basically @'d everyone… But added a space…


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Mihawk’s link has their names…

The main three are Wendell, Krista, and Ryan.

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On Screen are Krista, Wendell, and Ryan (left to right if you’re watching L1 Links with Friends)


Yes, as per Autum’s Amber’s post above.

We had on more on screen in an AMA before when she left but I can’t for the life of me remember her name.


Sorry to everyone we have spammed repeatedly for no reason, we love you guys! [too much] we really appreciate the time, research and effort you put in!


Was that Amber, back when she was an intern, then left, and returned as an editor?

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Mh maybe? But it wasn’t too long ago (maybe a year? the dark times are just a blur so :man_shrugging: ), but I seem to remember she left entirely for some reason :thinking: maybe it was just an inside joke I didn’t get though lol

I could be wrong. I was thinking there was at least 4 months gap, if I’m not mistaken…

You were right it was Amber:

I didn’t realise she came back tho :fearful:

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I have been summoned




Hey, sorry, hope you are well, didn’t mean to constantly barrage and harangue you as we chit chatted away.

OP just asked the line-up, and we think 4th time of letting him know, let the message sink in.

I forgot you actually did do a post, as mihawk linked, explaining exactly what OP requested…

I was already an editor, then left for about a year total when I got a job that I hated LOL IT support at a hospital.


It’s no worries xD no need to apologize!

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welp, I’mma pretend you were an intern… I can be ignorant (and wrong) on the internet, that way I’ll fit in better…