Name for my pc?

ok im too lazy to get a picture of my pc here plus it is not my complete build yet. I am essentially going for a Blue and Black Build. my currecnt case is the Xigmatek Asgard 381(orange) im planning to paint the orange parts blue

Basically my questions are:

1. Name suggestions for my build

2. any recommendations on how i would paint this case

1. Xigmatek Asgard would make me inclinded to go with something from Norse mythology. Just not Thor, that's been overdone. There are some quite interesting ones

2. Either try and take the orange bits off of the front panel and spray them, or mask around the edge and spray them while they're still attached.

I'd take them off so you don't get any on the black. You might want to do a coat of primer before the main coats if you want a really good finish, but it's not necessary. 

1. second the Nordic name

2. Use a plastic/vinyl paint and prep properly. wipe the whole case with a special no residue degreaser with a lint free cloth and take off as many parts as possible. plastidip is only available in satin in spray cans but you can get gloss in cans. the advantage of plastidip over normal paint is you can remove it later on down the road like a vinyl rap and if you scuff it you can easily repaint it. youtube is littered with vids about it.

I have called my computers Glados since I was 11 (I am on glados 3.0 btw) So yea I doubt I will be of much use. I would however suggest some tech name from a game you like or a book. 

1. Name suggestions for my build

Well this of course would depend on what you named your televisions, refrigerator and microvave.  :P

oh yeah guys i forgot to mention, the orange part on the front panel is a dust filter. so its "meshy", i dont want to cover that up with paint. Any suggestions?

You should totally call it "The All-Father" as in Odin... Just to keep with the norse theming and all that....

I called mine stand-by-light, Greg, and Eggsplosion respectively.

call it the 4th buttsketeer

Just call it 'my pc'?


At home I keep a specific naming convention. My storage server is Encom and all the devices are misc names from the Tron series. I.e. my computer is Tron, the TV is Clu, phone is Quorra, etc.

Who the fuck names their computer? Ok ok god damnit, aside from host names, wtf? Are we seriously trying to personalize our PCs? This shit is crazy.

Guitars on the other hand, ok. I'm totally with you.

Go with culture style name. I suggest: Mr HoundZ box of magnificent knowledge