I’ve been trying to troubleshoot this for about 6 months. Would love any insight or even guesses at what could be happening here as I’m at my wits end at this.
Here is the quick description of whats happening:
Randomly my internet drops out for a few seconds, rarely a minute long then it comes back. LAN is fine. This happens once a day, sometimes 2-3 times a day.
Here is the long part:
Watching the status page on Pfsense/Opnsense I can see that my WAN gateway starts slowly going up in packet loss percent. I think this is only affecting my upload. When on discord everyone says I’m starting to sound crunchy but everyone sounds fine to me. Same when playing multiplayer. For example in Arma3 I was told my voice was going crunchy, but in game everyone was walking around just fine no rubberbanding or the walking forever in one direction. Discord will disconnect me fairly quickly where as arma takes a while to boot me.
My ISP is GCI and it’s a cable modem set as a gateway. Been using them for years and they are highly reliable, going down maybe once or twice a year.
I’ve had techs check it out several times and it’s fine. It’s shown zero packet loss and very few uncorrectable in it’s own logs.
The hardware I’ve been using for 4 years now is a Jetway NUC PC with gigabit Intel NICs built in. Running PfSense. The switch I have is an unmanaged 1GB TP-link 24-port. Along with a Access Point.
In PfSense I don’t have anything setup like VLANs or VPNs just DHCP setup directing DNS requests to my PiHole running on an Raspbery Pi. UPnP NAT-PMP and some manually set port forwarding for my game servers.
Other things on the network is my server running TrueNAS, a few PCs, Switch, PS4, IP Cameras tethered to Zoneminder.
TrueNAS is running a handful of things, Samba shares, Plex server, SyncThing, Zoneminder, Mumble server, MineOS server.
Now here is what I’ve done:
All the coax cabled replaced and tested. Changed out all of the ethernet cables within my network. Everything is plugged into a UPS.
Replaced the modem and the new version is 2.5GB version. So with a 2.5 GB modem I also decided to update my router. I bought a HUNSN RS34g, another intel NUC but with 2.5GB Intel NICs and a TRENDnet 8-Port Unmanaged 2.5G Switch. Reinstalled Pfsense fresh and restored settings from the prevoius router.
I’m not sure when exactly this problem started but I think it was around PfSense version 2.6.0.
Problem is still present. At this point I’m going crazy. So I wipe the install clean with Opnsense.
Problem is still present.
Few more things:
I’ve messed with gateway settings, such as disabling gateway monitoring, changed the monitor IP to to keep the ping off of the gateway.
Disabled IPv6 on both LAN and WAN. Tried using “Override MTU” “Dynamic gateway policy”. Also forced speed and duplex to both 2.5GB and 1GB.
Unplugged just about everything at one point and this still happens. Also I completely reinstalled my PiHole on a new SDcard as well.
In the Interface Statistics of Opnsense there isn’t any listed errors or collisions in LAN or WAN
The only place I can see an error is in the gateway logs, here is an example:
2022-09-27T16:14:43-08:00 Warning dpinger WAN_DHCP Clear latency 9544us stddev 1926us loss 11%
2022-09-27T16:12:22-08:00 Warning dpinger WAN_DHCP Alarm latency 10715us stddev 2377us loss 21%
2022-09-25T17:54:35-08:00 Warning dpinger send_interval 1000ms loss_interval 2000ms time_period 60000ms report_interval 0ms data_len 0 alert_interval 1000ms latency_alarm 500ms loss_alarm 20% dest_addr bind_addr identifier "WAN_DHCP "
2022-09-25T17:54:35-08:00 Warning dpinger exiting on signal 15
I get Clear and Alarm alternating quite a bit in the logs and the send_interval along with sginal 15 now and then. Never consistent. I changed my listed IP other than the last digit holder; is my ISP and is my web visible IP address.
When I used as my monitor IP the logs don’t really change
2022-09-25T17:51:59-08:00 Warning dpinger WAN_DHCP sendto error: 65
2022-09-25T17:51:48-08:00 Warning dpinger WAN_DHCP Alarm latency 37534us stddev 1343us loss 22%
I know this is a lot of info for something that randomly happens whenever it feels like but I hope someone has some sort of idea of whats going on.
Last bit of detail, the only time it happens “more” is when a friend is watching something on my plex, but even then it’s not always going to happen, just slightly more.
Thanks for reading my maddening problem, any help is very welcome.