mY XboXe 360 Doosnt Tern on Teak Sindicate Pls Healp

Halow evary 1. 

cAn yoU help Ples mecrosoft suPPort dosnt halp me cause i doWNLoaded haK from 9gAG for Cal oF Dooty.

i Knew i is a Console Fagit buT I Like PeeCee Gaems 2 liKe Minecraft.

wHEn i Pres XbOxe Butten iT goes ReD and iT Downlodes Autism Into mY Cancer. Aney 1 hAve Fix?









I iS not Le TroLLiNg LikE Meme pEoplE On 4Chean yOu 1v1 mE Rust 360 No Scopes Onlee fagit