My WishPCPartPicker List (Opinions welcome)

So far this is what I've been picking for a starting (another) build PC and trying to keep it future ready for additional parts later on.

For SSD's 120-128GB I keep looking back on which to get between $88-$115 on this list (I had A-Data but then started think it's SATA3 so maybe cheaper?),65000&sort=a8&m=1,11,12,17,21,23,28,29

The motherboard, I find myself keep going back to change it from $100-220 quite often. Checking FSB's and etc. I would plan on overclocking in the future eventally

PSU 750W - I think is good enough, just need to make sure it's ready to handle some extra's like the end result of i.e. x2 SLI/XFIRE & probably overclocked, CPU overclocked, case lighting, a bay controller or two, some PCI card, Blu-Ray drive... (and a few more watts just in case) so I played with the thermaltake calc. and guestimated 850W ish?

For the Video Card, I chose the 7770 as a baseline video card to fill in minimum price (and light gaming) for that until I can decide which actual card I want to choose.  I been looking for BF3 benchmarks as this is the game I want to base off of but will most likely play many other games such as Crysis 3 in the future but do not want to make a mistake of getting what works best with BF3 and not so well with another. (Also thinking SLI for future CUDA use [if any] and Streaming/Capturing) - Would want to maintain 51+ FPS without going far past $250 otherwise look for something better than a 7770 that would put me around $140 ish. until I could afford something like a 7970 or so.

The CPU, RAM, Case, and Mouse is pretty much a solid decision. I was going to get CAS 8 but I was like shit, few dollars more I might as well get a second set of RAM hahaha.

Trying to keep budget low, not get the cheapest part possible if you understand what I mean.

Your thoughts and info is appreciated as long as constructive. I'm not really biased.

My part filters:

SSD -,11,12,17,19,21,23,28,29,32,34,36&i=25&s=129000,65000

Motherboard -,8,18,27,46&l=2,3,4,1000&u=1&sort=a6

Well, is your budget around 950 dollars? If so, this is a good build: If you have a budget around 1000 dollars, here's a good build.

At that budget, you can get much better than a 7770. Lower the price of the case and get a 7850. Better yet, get a FX 6300 and get a 7870XT or 7950!

Thanks for replies.

I wasn't picking a mechanical HDD because I have a TB laying around or optical (If I do get optical later it's Blu-Ray). As for the DDR3-2133, doesn't the FX-8350 only go up to 1866 (not including OC)? Otherwise I would so look for different motherboards supporting higher speeds (most definitely some 2000+ speeds)

Which leads to my question of RAM speed mobo specs "2400 O.C." Do you get the 1866 stock and OC to the OC speed specs or just get the speed that is OC supported and bring the other parts up to speed (which I assume as you do not want to fry the ram)?

You have to OC the mobo. If you don't, the RAM will run at 1866.