So far this is what I've been picking for a starting (another) build PC and trying to keep it future ready for additional parts later on.
For SSD's 120-128GB I keep looking back on which to get between $88-$115 on this list (I had A-Data but then started think it's SATA3 so maybe cheaper?),65000&sort=a8&m=1,11,12,17,21,23,28,29
The motherboard, I find myself keep going back to change it from $100-220 quite often. Checking FSB's and etc. I would plan on overclocking in the future eventally
PSU 750W - I think is good enough, just need to make sure it's ready to handle some extra's like the end result of i.e. x2 SLI/XFIRE & probably overclocked, CPU overclocked, case lighting, a bay controller or two, some PCI card, Blu-Ray drive... (and a few more watts just in case) so I played with the thermaltake calc. and guestimated 850W ish?
For the Video Card, I chose the 7770 as a baseline video card to fill in minimum price (and light gaming) for that until I can decide which actual card I want to choose. I been looking for BF3 benchmarks as this is the game I want to base off of but will most likely play many other games such as Crysis 3 in the future but do not want to make a mistake of getting what works best with BF3 and not so well with another. (Also thinking SLI for future CUDA use [if any] and Streaming/Capturing) - Would want to maintain 51+ FPS without going far past $250 otherwise look for something better than a 7770 that would put me around $140 ish. until I could afford something like a 7970 or so.
The CPU, RAM, Case, and Mouse is pretty much a solid decision. I was going to get CAS 8 but I was like shit, few dollars more I might as well get a second set of RAM hahaha.
Trying to keep budget low, not get the cheapest part possible if you understand what I mean.
Your thoughts and info is appreciated as long as constructive. I'm not really biased.
My part filters:
SSD -,11,12,17,19,21,23,28,29,32,34,36&i=25&s=129000,65000
Motherboard -,8,18,27,46&l=2,3,4,1000&u=1&sort=a6