My second build

So, it's been a while since I gave my rig to my brother (after the refernce 560ti kind of died then came back alive then died again, this occured many times). I have been using my old acer laptop and it doesn't perform well in games at all (core 2 duo and 9600M !). Please take a look and suggest me some improvements or any comments are welcome. :D

  • Budget. How much are you willing to spend? around $1000 
  • Where do you live (what country),  and what currency do you use? im in china right now so I have to use yuan
  •   -Is there a retailer you prefer? no
  • Do you need or already have peripherals? (this can add to costs) i already have a mouse and keyb
  • What will you be using your future computer for? Gaming? Rendering? Mix of both? Or is this a home media PC? Mostly gaming and browsing, 
  • Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Not really
  • Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? Maybe
  • OS. Do you need a new one? yup
  • Do you plan on Mining BTC either for yourself or Tek Syndicate? No

If you Game-

  • What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? Max settings, 50+ fps
  • What resolution will you be playing at? //or would like to play at. 1080P or above
  • What kind of games do you like to play? mostly FPS or RPGs
  • What specific game will you be playing (if applicable) TF2, BF4, future releases

If you Render or Edit things-

  • What application do you use to render? (very important) No
  • Do you render movies or photshop pictures No

I chose the xeon because it offers 8 cores for the price of an i5. And also I think it performs better than 8350, i may be wrong here. And the b75 mobo because I read that the xeon doesn't overclock so I don't need fancy z77 features. thanks a lot guys

xeon and that board, no. Dont do it.

$10 over budget, should go pretty hard. Nice gpu, good mb should oc a fair amount as well.

Why not? Mind clarifying that a bit? I really don't know much about motherboards and which one is a good option. I'm not that keen on overclocking as well, so it's really not important for me. I will probably just use the stock cooler anyway.


Hi. Any thoughts so far?

Lets see... $1000 budget, I think i can help, do you have a preference for intel or AMD?

My last build was AMD cpu + Nvidia gpu. This time I wanna do something different so maybe intel + Amd. But I'm inclined towards AMD more than intel or nvidia. 

Alright, I'll just do this, I'll make a build of both. And I'll juggle the gpu around, and find benchmarks and stuff... So, give me about till sometime tomorrow night(it's night where I'm at) ill do an amd setup, and an intel setup. Do you have a specific case you want, so I can fit it into the budget?


18 dollars over budget


Cheap monitor IMO


8 core CPU, will be future proof

Great motherboard, really nice for overclocking

Liquid cooler

An HIS 7970, this thing overclocks like crazy.

1600 MHz RAM (Enough for gaming)

Very nice case for the money, made by Corsair

XFX 750W PSU for only 55 dollars! It's enough for CrossFire 7970's incase you ever wish to do so.


Also... Do you already have a monitor or do you need one?