My rig is good for gaming?

Can i run all the present game with this ?



You should be fine. Seems a little pricey if you're only building it for games, though.

Grab a 7870 GHZ, if you can find it for less. Grab a dark knight cpu cooler, the 212 is not that great. It's like going from onbroad graphics to HD M4000 or M5000 graphics. it's not really a step up as much as a scoot. The Dark knight is slightly more. Unless you are going to use crossfire, grab a 970 Extreme3. It will save you some. A XFX or Corsair 600 watt PSU would be fine too. Seasonics are the best, but unless you absolutely want the best just grab a Corsair or XFX to save some money. 

the 212 will be enough for my im not going to go more then 4.0-4.2 ... my hd 7950 is already at my home .. she s good ? 

to answer your question, yes

If you already have the 7950, it's fine, and Be careful when overclocking the 6300. AMD cheaps tend to have a much lower temp ceiling, that chip having a max of 70c 

He doesn't have a 6300 in his build haha.

Huh, could have swore. Nevermind it then. :)

my GPU is good or bad ? 

Your build is fine and the gpu is indeed good.

The 7950 is a fantastic card!

I have close to the same setup and there nothing it can run maxed at 1080p 

you are saying that with this rig nothing can be run maxed ?? Wtf ? :(

what is not good its this rig ? i dont understand why he cant run anything maxed .... 

I think what he meant to say was there's nothing it can't run maxxed at 1080p. Meaning it will be super.

oh I see lol