My Retro USB Controllers

Something I made last summer that my friends thought was pretty cool.  I ordered some USB converter kits from the kits get soldered into the controller and you turn your old legit controller into a USB controller.

Well I like to go overboard and went a step further, I added a USB hub and flash drive and wired it all together inside the controller so I could have my ROMs and saves right on the controller












Here is a link to the full sized pictures if you want to see them

I hope that link works I don't normally share Photobucket pics

that's pretty cool dude!

I want a USB SNES controller so bad! I think it's time for me to get my ass in gear and make one. Xbox 360 controller is terrible for Killer instinct :(

That's just pimpin'

I'd pay you 20 bucks if you'd do that with an N64 controller.

Love it! Reminds me of a senior project a few people did in college they took an NES controller, added a flash drive and a microcontroller to play all games on a monitor/tv all within the small footprint of the NES controller( might have been a little thicker than normal but it was cool).

I have thought about doing an N64 controller, there is a lot of free space inside the grips of the controller.

I would have liked to make something that I could hook directly to a display and play the games but that is far over my head.

I've made a few of these, I sold 2 NES controllers on Craig’s list, sold an SNES controller to a coworker, my sister gave a SNES controller to her boyfriend last Christmas, after I showed it to him he told my sister that he wanted one for Christmas, and the Sega controller went to a friend as a birthday present.

I still have a NES and a SNES controller for myself, I have seen another variation of this mod where the person used a USB keyboard PCB instead of a console to USB adapter, I like mine better though because it will come up as a USB controller in the PC

I'd be interesting in buying a set of these, NES, SNES, Genesis, and N64, if possible.

Hit me up at [email protected] if you'd be interested in selling me a set.

These are pretty time consuming and expensive to make, but if you can solder then you should be able to make one yourself.

Very nice man. Great work! I hope they make you as happy as it is for me to see them! 

If you have the original controllers and you don't want to spend the time modding them, you could check out this project called the blissbox

You can order one from him, all though it's a bit expensive, or if you know how to solder you can buy the DIY kit. Works on just about every classic controller apparantly, haven't tried it out myself though.