My refresh rate keeps defaulting to 60hz everytime I change the desktop resolution - Windows 10

My refresh rate keeps defaulting to 60hz everytime I change the desktop resolution and I have to open advanced display settings to manually change it to 144hz.

In past versions of windows it would always maintain whatever refresh rate I set unless it was impossible to maintain but now it just keeps defaulting to 60hz.

It is possible this is an nvidia or DSR issue as I am using a 1080ti and a 1080p panel with nvidia’s DSR.

Does anyone have any suggestions on now to prevent refresh rates other than 144hz from being used or to lock the refresh rate to 144hz?

Do you have it plugged into the right ports (hdmi/dp)? Have you tried every port on your graphics card?

I’ve had issues on my 2070 with a portait mode 4k60 monitor and landscape 1080p144hz in Fedora linux. Such if certain cables aren’t in specific ports, my settings won’t change.

For the longest time, I thought it was my cables. In reality it was the port combination.

It’s a pretty old setup. I haven’t changed much in the last 3 or more years thanks to stagnation in the CPU and GPU arena.

I’m guessing it’s either an issue with DSR or one of the many Windows 10 updates removed the feature that’s been there for decades.

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