My really weird Level Editor

Hey I’ve been working on a new game for around 2 months or so.
I cant show off gameplay right now for legal reasons (we’re currently using models ripped from other games as placeholder).

What I can show you though is the super strange level editor I’m building for the game.

Heres quick video I posted on twitter of the editor

The general Idea of the editor is you design the level as a directed graph.
The game will then get that layout and generate level geometry based it.

Here a video demoing early construction of a level layout graph

more will be going up on my blog later this week.

The article is still incomplete but it will be published at

Neat. So the nodes would be levels / rooms and the arrows are the directions you can travel? So connecting bothways is a two way path and one connection is on allows you to go to that node but not back?