My plans to contribute to this site

     Here are my current plans I have set for myself with this site. I do want to do at least three new articles a week, one tech update video a week (to help logan out a little bit seeing he has been really busy), and maybe a couple of tutorials from time to time.

     I also do plan on doing some game reviews here sometime next month when I do have some extra time. I'll be mainly covering the PC hardware news to get me started off on getting better at doing blogs.

One tip for you bloggers on here, When you do write blogs; don't make the paragraphs too long. Cause studies show that people are more likely to read a full article if each paragraph is short and sweet. Logan told me about that one.

I will keep all of you up to date on my videos. My youtube channel is so head over there and subscribe. I'll try to keep up with the planned videos.

As of right now, I will be out of town next week but I will still do three blog entires on here seeing I will have my laptop with me. Thank you for letting me take some of your time to read this blog post! Have a good day!


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