My PC build

Hello guys,

So i want to build my own pc and i kinda know what im going to buy,

i just need some advice wheter it is good or not:

CPU: Intel i5 3570K

Motherboard: MSI B75A-G43

GPU: MSI R9 280X Gaming 3G

PSU: Corsair CX500

Memory: G.Skill 8GB DDR3-1600

Hi Sirwalnutt,

Depending on your budget and what exactly you plan on doing with this computer, you may be able to get components that are better suited for your needs within your price range. If you plan on getting the Intel K series processor, I'd definitely go for a Z77 chipset (if you are set on Ivy Bridge) or Z87 for Haswell. If overclocking is not something you want to do, you can save yourself some money by getting a non 'K' SKU.