My Nexuiz Bench Marks on my Rig

I just wanted to show the benchmarks of my current rig. I ran all the presets for Nexuiz; Ultra, Very High, High, Medium and Low. Here is the specs of my Rig:

Case: NZXT Lexa S Mid-Tower

PSU: Raidmax Hybrid 2 730Watt PSU

Mobo: Asus M4A77D

CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 B50 overclocked to 3.60 Ghz

CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Duorb CPU Cooler

GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD 6790 1GB GDDR3 940/1200 Mhz

RAM: 4GB 2X2 PQI 800 MHz Dual Channel Memory

Fan Controller: NZXT Sentry 2

Sound Card: Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy SE

1 Logisys 120MM Blue LED Case Fans

1x Eagletech PSU Fan (salvaged it from my fried Eagletech 600 Watt PSU)


Head Set: TekNmotion Pulsewave 2 PC gaming headset

Keyboard: Logitech G510 Gaming Keyboard

Mouse: Cyber Snipa Silencer Gaming Mouse

Monitor: ASUS MS228 21.5 Inch



Avg: 24.35 FPS

Max: 164.00 FPS

Min: 9.08 FPS

Very High:

Avg: 24.82 FPS

Max: 192.93 FPS

Min:10.00 FPS


Avg: 39.42 FPS

Max: 182.56 FPS

Min: 14.08 FPS


Avg: 47.83 FPS

Max: 218.74 FPS

Min: 21.48 FPS


Avg: 71.17 FPS

Max: 379.42 FPS

Min: 30.63 FPS

I'll be posting more benchmark scores when I get the extra time. I am soon preparing to do a series of Videos for the PC Users who don't know how to take good care of their computers. I'm also going to try to do some Game Reviews, Tech Update Videos which I'm gonna name Skull Tech and Tech Ideas that I think about from time to time. Looking foward to take a more active role with this very EPIC forum! Catch ya on the flip side!

Uh...what are these benchmarks of? You don't have any games/benchmarking software listed....

Its benchmarking the game called Nexuiz. Which is a new arena based fps that runs the Cry3Engine. 

If you ever want to play some Nexuiz with me just pm me on steam. I'm not good at all but I'll still have some fun.

Ooooooooooh, lol.

I get it now. I've never heard of that game before. I might have to check it out.

Its only on Steam. It was a preorder for $9 and then the game was released for $10. It was on a flash sale for 75% off ($2.49) last night and is currently 33% off ($6.69) on steam right now during the summer sale.

You're not the only one!

I get a good 80 on Medium+.

lets all get together and make a game in nexuiz. 
