My New Computer

Alright, this is my first post and I heard that this is the place to get advice and generally have a good hearted discussion without someone freaking out. So I put my first computer build together about 1 month ago and it cost about $1003. Being a 15 year old newcomer to the computer world, I was hoping to attain some advice and hopefully learn something. I extremely encourage you to rate my build by 1 out of 10 bananas or whatever, I would just like some feedback please. Without further adieu, here is the list of my parts.


Notes: I do realize now that my motherboard is micro ATX. I had no idea what the diferent ATX types existed but as far as I know, it should not effect the performance of the computer at all. 

Closing Statement: Even though I am only 15, I feel really compelled to learn a lot more about computers. Way back, the first console I had was a Game Cube then an Xbox360. I now only use computers. Enough of me talking, it is time for you to give me feedback on my system!! Also please tell me if there are any ways to improve my computer like add this for $100 and it improves your fps and also add this to help with rendering!!

Very respectable build for the money. But you get zero bananas - I was hungry and ate them all BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So what would you rate it from 1 to 10? Also I have heard of overclocking a bit. From what I know, you can overclock the video card, RAM, and procesor? Is there any danger of overclocking, how easy is it to do and is there a software to overclock or is it manual?

:( But what would you actually rate it on a scale from 1 to 10?

My only criticism would be that theres no SSD for the os. Everything else looks good. You get 9 banana's.


get an at motherboard

way too much ram 

dont use stock cooler

any case fans?

Are you going to be rendering stuff? If so, 16 GBs of RAM is fine.

A little over budget. All parts come from Newegg.

Really, thanks dude. I appreciate that you took the time to give me feedback.

yeah, the front bezel has a 200mm fan (600-800rpm), the side panel has a 230mm fan (600-800rpm), the top has a 200mm fan (600-800rpm) and the rear has a 140mm fan (1000rpm). It was like $70 and this case is almost all metal and has insane air flow. Thank you for your feedback.

Sorry if I am being a bit of a n00b but by my knowledge, rendering would be with video stuff? Could you explain it for me? Thanks for the feedback btw!!

Get a 970 or 990 mobo and a hyper 212. Rams a bit overkill but it is BEAST. 

should have spend a little less on the case like $75 and got a corsair cx600 or xfx 550 powersupply and a asus 970 r2.0 motherboard.  But really until you want to overclock your cpu the motherboard is fine.  The case is nice just not what I would reccomend on a budget but it looks cool.  The powersupply is ok but I would like to see a bigger name brand there.  Other then that though it looks good I would give it a 8/10 mostly due to the power supply and if you cut back on the case some you could have got a 7870 probably.  Its all a learning process my frist custom computer had that motherboard but the AM3 one with a phenomii x4 and a gts 250.

Things to upgrade

1 hyper 212 cpu cooler

2 motherboard asus m5a97 r2.0

3 powersupply corsair cx 600

You sir are absolutly correct