Alright, it it just me or does anybody else think that this is a weird format for inboxes? I mean, firstly, if you want to ask a question that ONLY staff could answer, making a public forum post seems futile because in that case it implies that there are other people that can answer. Paradox paradox paradox.
Secondly, most people don't even ask questions specifically for staff; most are questions that vaguely imply that they want answered by staff. This all seems very weird to me.
Lastly, if they want it answered by staff why do others have a chance to answer. Most questions could be answered by an FAQ... Circular logic is circular.
I think that most that post in this topic merely want a chance to be read in an inbox by Logan. (Begin flame war).
In a world that allows me to propose an alternative, I would propose that Logan answer one post from a few topics. This will cut how many questions do not relate SPECIFICALLY for staff, and allow questions that actually belong in other topics to be posted there, and allow every topic to be read by Logan, since I think that that's what most people want who are posting here.
You may proceed to question my mortal logic and substitute my reality for your own.
Thank you.
I worked on some FAQs a while ago, but I stopped working on them after the realization that people won't read them.
I think it's mostly a non-issue. Logan and the team will see the post to Inbox, and simply leave it for someone else to answer.
Aside from the fact thatno one will read a FAQ, there is no possible way that you could have a FAQ that could answer all of your questions.
The reason for the subforum has been explained in several videos. Logans inbox was being flooded with every question imaginable, and there was no way that he could have gone though them all and answered them.
The inbox subforum is a way for everyone to ask their questions, and for the community to answer them FOR logan and wendell.
Just because a topic is directed at them specifically, doesnt mean they are the only ones that can answer it. (i.e. [LOGANANDWENDELL] WHATS THE SQUARE ROOT OF SEVEN?!?!?)
If its a question that logan feels he needs to elaborate on, it will be in an inbox video. If not, the community will answer it.
It isn't the setup of the subforums fault that users misplace their topics.
It seems to me that if there was a question asking what the square root of seven is, it should definitely be moved. Also if others could answer FOR them, then that means that that information is available for anybody to find.
That was an extreme hypothetical, if you couldnt tell, and in most cases, the answers ARE there for anyone to find.
I don't want to argue so this is my last reply:
Since they are available for anybody to find, I would suggest making them find it...
/me hides
This isn't an argument, haha. If I seemed argumentative, I apologise.
This forum is here to help, if someone asks a question, someone will answer it. It used to be set up like you described, but it wasnt working out. It was too much for just two people to answer all of the questions.
Some questions can only be answered by logan, this is true, but most of the time, people just want their question to appear in the Inbox videos, but dont really need logans advice on the subject.
Ive been moving all the things that dont belong in the inbox thread. The way i see it, there should be two types of questions here:
1) Really specific questions that require in-depth knowledge that only Logan/Wendell would be likely to possess. If other people can answer it, that is great, the question has now been answered and everyone is happy.
2) General questions to which people would like to hear Logan/Wendell's opinions on. This includes things like asking their opinions on up and coming events or games or hardware or whatever, or asking their favourite food or whatever (i know thats a bad example but you get the point).For these types of questions, other people's opinions are also welcome as it give some informationa bout the community we have here. Nothing is lost by people saying they like bacon. The question can still be answered by Logan/Wendell.
Hope that clarified :)
basically there are too many people who will try to ask logan directly about hardware v hardware/look at my build/generic question, no matter what
so instead of logans inbox being flooded with silly questions, they post here, logan doesn't have to look at every single one and the question gets awnsered, win win