My List of PC Games

Since I'm building my rig tomorrow, I have decided to list the games that I have for PC (In no particular order) I would like people to recommend other games as well. I'm switching from console so I haven't played any of the notable titles like Half Life and Civilization. I will play almost anything but I'm tired of playing corridor shooters lol.
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Papers, Please
  • Don't Starve
  • Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb
  • The Binding Of Isaac
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers
  • Audiosurf
  • Super Meat Boy
  • The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
  • Dota 2
  • Monaco
  • RAGE
  • Tomb Raider Collection
  • Alan Wake Bundle
  • Max Payne 3
  • Max Payne Bundle
  • Batman Arkham City GOTY
  • Crysis Maximum Edition
  • Fallout New Vegas Ultimate
  • Braid
  • Limbo
  • Thief (2014)
  • Dragon Age 2

I also want to trade the copy of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag that I got with my GPU so if you are interested look for that in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum tomorrow. (EST)

Play Black Mesa Source, HL2, HL2 E1, HL2 E2

Will give them a try. Thanks!

Wow you're going to trade away AC4.  I mean you're free to do what you want but IMO AC4 is one of the better Assassin's Creed games, it's almost up there with AC2.


Try Risk of Rain, Anno 2070, Total War Games (I recommend, Rome, Medieval II, and Shogun 2, the rest are really meh), and Chivalry

The Trine games are pretty good as well. And oh,the latest Humble Bundle looks tantalising,to boot!

TBH I've never liked the Assassin's Creed series. It's just not my cup of tea. Thanks! Some of these are already on my radar actually. BTW I'll put it up for trade tomorrow because it took me all day to build my rig and I'm tired lol

Thanks for the advice!


Would recommend Portal 2, Batman Arkham Origins (Looks a hell of a lot better on PC than it was on console), and Lord of the Rings Online( to try something new for free).

Thank you! :) I will look into those


You MUST try Deus Ex (the old one) !

also try Skyrim, Payday 2, Shadow warrior, Doom, CS: GO, Minecraft, Farcry 3, The Stanley Parable, Arma 3, Borderlands, Left 4 dead, Witcher 2, and The walking dead.

Thank you! I'll check em out :)

Borderlands COOP is just a blast.

Beyond that Bioshock series

Borderlands is just awesome. I had alot of fun with it on consoles. Bioshock is one of my all time favorite series ever.

If you've tried your hand at DOTA2 and enjoy it, League of Legends might be worth an investigation.

A lot of Blizzard's games are worth a gander too. Hearthstone is good, Diablo III is much better and the soon-to be expansion should fix a lot of issues. The immenant Heroes of the Storm is another take on DotA as above and World of Warcraft is still the top-dawg MMO. Starcraft II and Heart of the Swarm is also a gem of the genre. And some of their older games, such as Diablo II and Warcraft 3 are highly revered.

But on the PC, there is too much gaming. Too much for any one life.

Fallout 3, since you already have New Vegas. Fallout 3 is just a must have

I have played Fallout 3 on console but mods alone are a reason to play on PC. Thank You! :)

Yeah, Blizzard's games are really interesting and Hearthstone is alot of fun. Thanks for the tips bud :)

I've found that I've had a lot of fun with indie games (Gunman Clive, DLC Quest). For longer games, the hitman series might be a good change from shooters. The farcry, doom, and portal series are also fun.

Civilization V with Brave New World is my most played game...definitely an incredibly fun time both solo and with friends :)

If you're interested in strategy based games I highly recommend  Starcraft II and League of Legends. The grind is pretty intense for both of them, but it's very rewarding when you get the hang of it. Also check out if you haven't already. People are always streaming a variety of games that might appeal to you. There's a mobile app for it too. It's sorta buggy from time to time, but it's free so no complaints here.