"my" list of best fps games

It was mentioned on the Tek that "best lists" are a bit pants. It got me thinking, what would be on my list of games.

I'm what might be thought of as a mature gamer, in other words I'm an old git. I have been gaming since I was 16, not because I started late but much before that age computer games did not exist for regular people. I have been playing computer games for over 33 years. My favorite game type is fps, the first person shooter.

So not in any particular order, based on personal experience here is my list of fps games you might want to have a look at and why.

Wolf3D the original Wolfenstein. It's just about the first of it's type if not the very fist it was the first I played. Then Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, much of it's popularity can be put down to the multi-play being free and now open source.

(Doom & Quake just have to be on the list but it's not the only one of these early fps games you might want to look at Heretic if your all doomed/Quaked out.)

Delta Force and the Novalogic family. Delta Force marks for me my fist foray in to gaming online in multi-player games (we are talking dial-up here guys). The last of these I played was Joint Ops, real sketchy by modern standards and I'm not sure it's suitable for modern gamer's but damn we had a lot of fun with it at the time.

Medal of Honor AA:SH:BT these are the first three primarily for the multi-player. Pacific Assault gets a mention for it's single player (the Perl Harbor section is worth the game on it's own) Much after this and the franchise lost it's way. The less said about Airborne and the last Warfighter the better however MoH:Tire One had a reasonably good Multi-Player.

Half Life. Difficult to underestimate how good and more importantly "different" the game was at the time. More than just this one game, it is what came from it both official and user made mods. (Sven coop, you and some friends want a real good time get Sven coop, trust me) The importance of HL was massive and only eclipsed by Half Life 2. The game was good, but just like the first the things that came from it were just amazing. Many tens of thousands of people are playing these games today. (my personal fav being Day of Defeat:Source and I still play it today)

Call of Duty: (I can feel the wave of hate come through my screen but hear me out) If you like fps games you can not ignore CoD. The first with it's single player reminding us of classic war movies. The Multi-Player picking up the torch dropped by MoH for many at the time. Much the same high quality was maintained by United Offensive and CoD:2. The franchise missed 3 with a console only release (the bullshit has always been strong with Call of Duty). CoD:4 has to stand out as one of the greatest of all Modern Military shooters. Tight and compelling Multi-Player and a single player that stands head and shoulders above nearly everything that came before it and most of what has been done since. An Honorable mention for CoD:5 as it stands the last CoD to have mod support, custom maps and game modes. The less said about everything since the better, it's all utter shit but that's manly the people that play it.

Battlefield: What's not to love? EA of course how a publisher can ruin a game franchise. The whole BF experience is the gamer against the publisher these days. 1942 through to Bad Company:2 are worth your time. I was never a great fan of BF:3 and to me BF:4 is little more than an expensive expansion. Bad Company:2 with it's destruction was a massive change to the fps scene. Other games has some destruction but nothing like Bad Company:2 the whole map would be a barren wasteland by the end of the round. BF:2 mods extended the life of the game for many players.

Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: The games of Bohemia Interactive will always hold a special place in my heart. The iterate nature of the games. The way the developer has embraced the community of modders. Basically the game is a canvas for you to play with and play on.  The complete opposite of the way most of the industry works.


As you can tell my list is just that "my list" there is a heavy bias towards Multi-Player and I have always disliked uber-fast, double jump arena shooters. So no Unreal Tournament or Quake:Arena on my list. There are games I just missed, Deus Ex for instance,  I have never played the game so can't have an opinion.

An Honorable mention to the games of Tripwire, Red Orchestra and Killing Floor. More for my like of the developers rather than the games themselves, they have a good attitude towards their community.





I'm glad I seen the Novalogic games in there. When I was growing up I loved those, played the shit out of them.

Joint Ops, good times...


Good to see Tripwire in there. Big fan of Rising Storm and Red Orchestra 2. It's getting a bit quiet in their servers, but I can usually find familiar players in familiar servers.

Yea Black Hawk Down and Join Ops were my favorite of them, countless hours of my life wasted haha. I love how you could build and play those crazy custom maps. Like sky villages made out of semi truck trailers.

I can't take seriously anyone who doesn't have the new Shadow Warrior on their best fps list :)

That's how you make an old-school fps with modern elements without sacrificing aspects of either one. If you like FPS genre, if you like life and fun, you owe it to yourself to play it.

I had never played the game, as I said Multi-Player became my primary focus. Once I played Delta Force online that was my thing from there on in. Games that did not include good Multi-Player rarely figured in my thinking. I have tried other game types but they just leave me flat. I know it's a very narrow view and I'm the one missing out but there you go.

WTF man no csgo?? SHAMEFUL DISPLAY!!!

The new shadow warrior was so good

I loved the SWAT series, and the Rainbow Six series as well. Swat 3 was my favorite multi player online for a long time because of the difficulty to try to take someone down without killing them, and the mods were awesome. That was the first game I played where the mod engine was part of the official game. 

I sort of bundled Counter Strike in with Half Life along with all of the others. I'm a Day of Defeat type of guy myself. Counter Strike has it's merits I just like WWII games, the limitations of the weapons. Yes fewer weapons of dubious accuracy can improve game play. You have to compensate with tactics and weapon skill. You might want to give it a look, plenty of servers and good community's out there.