My internet keeps dropping out

I have a belkin f7d4302 v1 router with a normal isp's modem. When I play games it disconnects me randomly but it doesn't happen on my other pc. I've been playing csgo competitive lately and it randomly disconnects me from the match about 4 times in a 1 hour match. Its really annoying.

please help me

It could be several things.

Since you say it is related to one machine and not all of them. It is either a problem with the modem or the PC.

A. To start the modem may be dropping packets from that pc and ports are not configured correctly for that pc.

B. Your NIC is going bad, and it is showing under high use times. IE gaming needing a session open to the server, and not being able to cope.

C. It could be your CPU unable to track other players and causing nasty latency disconnects. I mention the CPU because BF3 was notorious for tracking particles individually on the server, rather than worry about just where the bullet is, and where the player is.

D. It is an ISP modem and you should replace it any way.

ok well what modem do you recommend I really dont want it to be more than about $50 tho

What ISP do you have?

More than 50 is kind of the bar. 50-70 tends to be range, and it depends on the connection speed you get.

I'm in australia and I have the isp called " telstra" its the most popular isp in australia

well I only get about 5mbps down and 0.7 up so what modem should I get?

What is the service package you pay for through them?

what do you mean? well im using adsl 2+

im using the fastest package I can get for my internet, Australias internet is really slow but soon we are going to have the "NBN"/"fibre optic" and thats going to be about 100MBPS down and up

I agree with @Screamapillar, start by diagnosing your nic card on your PC if you're using one. If' you're using wireless, go wired if you can. Start with the basics, reset your modem and router. Make sure your firmware is up to date....blah blah blah. If you had a problem with your processor, wouldn't it show up on other tasks as well besides gaming? Did a quick google search on ADSL 2+ modems and gateways....not cheap. See if your ISP will send you a new modem to use.

Uh, that's really fast... 100Mbps. Keep in mind you share with New Zealand pipe too. I have a friend who complains about it a lot.

Also by those speeds you are reporting, that is not normal compared to what you are paying for. Even for ADSL 2+

If you are using wired, try a different ethernet cable.

I TS internet for a living.

ipconfig /all ---> get the gateway address

  1. Can you get a direct wired connection? If it drops out on wired then there is a problem with the cable or port.
  2. while being connected wirelessly, set the computer next to the PWR.
  3. perform a continuous 64k ping test and observe the response times.

ping "gateway" -t -l 65500

Slowly walk away from the router, and take notice of any packet loss. If you detect any packet loss then you have just found the distance that the signal degrades. Depending on your wireless nic, this may varry.

As the range of the nic is different for not only its type, b, g, n, or ac; it also varies on the type of wireless network you are on. 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. While on a 2.4 GHz network, strength through objects like walls is not the best (and at a sacrifice of slower speeds). In your case, this doesn't matter, bc you have slow internet anyway. On a 5 GHz, signal strength is increased, but at an overall shorter distance (you get better connectivity through objects, but its not as far reaching).

To recap: A 2.4 GHz signal reaches "farther" but not as effective, where as a 5 GHz is more effective but not as far.

Secondly, what band is your wireless router set to. IF set to "auto" this could be a problem. If you have neighbors and your wifi bands intersect, this could cause noise and interfere with your signal strength. Try changing to non overlapping bands. on a 2.4 these bands are 1, 6, and 11.

Lastly, you have a Belkin router. These are infamous for ability, or lack thereof, to perform. Also what type of wireless nic do you have, that plays a big part in this. Send me your full system specs and I will help you trouble shoot further.

Dude! That is so useful! I had no idea. Just a beginner here in IT admin, but damn!

Move the access point and/or grab some POE home-plugs. Signals hitting walls, emr points (microwaves etc) are your no.1 wifi enemy.
Remember wi-fi is a shared medium. Access to router/ap config --- If you can change the channel to one that is least populated (maybe channel 6 is the best, maybe channel 9 is ~ will depend on your wifi environmet). Change radio strength to max as well.
Be sure to check that nothing is leaching the connection somewhere - p2p etc. On any device that access the AP.
Run a wireshark capture on the wifi traffic to be sure.
If you're on a laptop change the settings in power options for wifi to 'performance' and not 'battery saving'.
A heap of other things to try but this is a start.

dude im using ethernet

I changed the port on the router and it still doesnt work

I have an i7 4790k GTX 970 evga acx 2.0 asus z97-a motherboard phantom 530 white case noctua nh-d15 evga 750W 80+ gold motherboard. running windows 8.1.
now I think it might be something to do with the motherboard port or something. should I replace the motherboard? maybe its broken or something?

ohh ok well Ill try a different cable right now and ill get back to you later