My Graphics Card Borked On Me

Yup, after 3 years of hard work and fun, my good ol' 9800GTX borked.Â

It all started with Bioshock 2. I load up the game, it starts, ten seconds later the screen freezes, red lines go everywhere and I am forced to restart my computer. So I think, "Sure, just a crash, no big deal". No. I try again, same effect.

I cry for a few hours and then decide to open my computer. I pull him out and check his vitals. He seems ok so I open him up. The thermal paste seemed crusty and gross so I cleaned him up and applied fresh Arctic Silver thermal compound.

Content with my work, I put him in. This time, I will try TF2. "Maybe it was just a corrupted file in Bioshock 2", I run TF2.

BLUE LINES OF DEATH! My computer crashes.Â

I then go to XFX's website in search of answers. I fill out a ticket at 4:00pm, stating my problem. It is now 8:30pm and still no answer.

RIP Buddy.


I've never had problems with XFX's support tickets. They answered my question in about an hour. Sucks that your graphics card died though, especially right after applying that expensive thermal paste.

You expect THE XFX to respond to you within hours?

Great job!

P.S. I can tell you right now, your card did NOT die because of Jackie Chan...

@ lolumad Don't say that, Rice and the others had bad customer support previously. But nvm, wait for a week and there should be a response.

Name 10 things at aren't Jackie Chan, "ATi, Nvidia, XFX, Jackie Chan...................GOD DAMN IT!"

Example of Ecks Eff Ecks being a broked, now-ATI-lover motherfucker.


May the lord have mercy on your soul.

inb4 someone else agrees


Well, if you live in Europe, XFX shouldnt be a problem..

my x1300 has lasted for like 7 years so far -.-

although that piece of shit is in my server.... i only gamed on it for about 5 years....

lol@"only 5 years"


yes, 5 years of torture.... that peice of shit could run CS:S on lowest settings and manage 15-20 fps....... (alshough when i got it, it was a lot nicer then my integrated one)

So I just got all my shit together and I am going to ship it out tommorrow. I hope XFX doesn't notice that I replaced the thermal paste and think that that is the reason it borked.

I don't think they're that stupid, they'll probably see that it improves temperatures.

I know it takes 3-5 days for it to get to XFX, but does anyone know how long it takes for them to repair/replace it and send it back?

According to Rice, it could take a few weeks. But I doubt it, I'd say that you'll have it back in like seven business days.

I just got to thinking. Since XFX doesn't make the 9800GTX or GTX+ anymore, does that mean they will give me a GTX 260!!!

(This is if they can't repair it and have to replace it)

Because the contract says that they will replace your card with the same model or one of a higher performance.

I don't think so, tim

That would be full of win

I am pretty sure they will have too. I can't find the XFX 9800GTX+ anywhere. I would be so glad my gfx card broke. EDIT: Or wait, is the GTX250 the next step up?