My gpu temps arent the same!

Hi! When I played I had my gpu around 60-65 celsius. But i wanted to get around 55 celcius. So I downloaded MSI Afterburner. I got my idel temp to around 35 celsius but then something happened. I started my game and my gpu went from 35-80 celsius in 20 sec. The cpu temps were the same 50-55 celsius. I was shocked and closed the game. It dropped back to 35 in 30 sec. I uninstalled MSI afterburner and tought the gpu settings are gone now. But I was wrong. I started the game and 30 secs later it was again 80 celsius. Now im very scared to do anything. My gpu is MSI GTX 760 (refrence).

Sounds like you just set up a static fan profile, and not one that increases with temperature. uninstalling MSI Afterburner and restarting should get you back to normal, so i am not sure what's going on there.

I uninstalled it but temps are still 80 celsius. When i played for 5 minutes it started to go over 85 even. The fans are spinning 100% but its not getting cooled for some reason.

Have you cleaned your computer yet? Even though it may seem clean its not try cleaning it with compressed air and use in short bursts in and you may be surprised of how much dust is coming out. If that doesn't work take off the side panel and smack a fan blowing into the computer.

These guys have good suggestions and what i'm about to say is the last option on the list. When this happened to my 7970 it's because i fried it overclocking, are you running any sort of overclock on it?