I've been without a computer and have resorted to using my Verizon Model S4 as my workhorse of sorts. While this kind of usage is way out of the normal and is insane to do with a phone, I tried and here are my opinions ... Both negative and positive.
The bloatware is insane - between the Samsung apps and the Verizon apps, I have lost over 5 gb if storage. I find that insane.
It's actually pretty fast - I didn't expect much, but it's decent. The snapdragon 600 must be good for this. That's for sure. This phone has been my word processor, calculator, Web browser(for research and such), my only form of communication to my family, and is like my little expensive toy.
It gets hot - it's less hot now than before...but jeez...turning the thing on doesn't warrant it to feel burning hot. That subsided quite a bit though.
It lags at the worst times - I'll be typing a paragraph and a half and *boom* that shit be gone.
The ROM tripped itself - it's not even a modified or custom rom. It still says it is and that voids my warranty. Which is piss worthy.
The bloat apps can't be disabled - if I drag them 90 disable them manually, don't turn yourself back on and don't use 75% of my ram.
The call quality is good - can ACTUALLY hear people.
Decent battery life - even with my usage, I can squeeze by through the day.
The screen streaks - scrolling results in a trail following behind.
The 3.5mm jack is quiet - I feel as though it could be louder...must be a hearing protection feature.
The metal band around the 3.5 jack is wearing away - it's white around it and it is not that pleasing.
S health and the whole samsung suite won't leave me alone
Can't move apps or anything to the SD card
All my apps are suddenly becoming broken - had the YouTube app...never used it much but now it doesn't load content. Google Chrome was broken and required a reinstall. The while Google suite nneeded to redownload.
Stop using my mobile data - I never turn it on and is still used 536MB this month so far. I only have 2gb. I don't even understand
Adapt sound is gimmicky - I want my earbuds to have there natural sound, I find this to do a poor job applying an EQ
Glitches Galore - maybe it just hates me...but holy he'll it's like it's falling apart. I can't even rotate my screen or use NFC anymore. Apps crash constantly for seemingly no reason.
Spell check is horrible - it once changed a casual conversation to one about rough sex. In broad terms. It was much worse and I cannot say what happened here.
Google now broke - voice search isn't even an option anymore.
While those are mostly negative comments...I guess I'm satisfied...
I had an iPhone once and that was slow and sucked...This is fast at least...
I'm pretty sure my ROM is shot or something, it shouldn't be that glitchy...I even get random unknown crash logs for background tasks.
I liked at first but that feeling is slowly subsiding.
I guess I have nothing to lose, I'm thinking of putting a custom rom on...but they all look the same. My last android expense/experience was on a origi al nexus 7 (jelly and kitkat) and I loved it, must be that stock/near stock android experience?
...hmm what do you guys and women think? I'm looking at roms but am unsure...
Stock Android technically doesn't have Google play services...but I use the play store and Gmail app...but I can install those manually...
I was looking at cyanogenmod, everyone seems to use that...I bet a lot of the others are better...
Pretty much looking for a bland android rom from the ground up I guess...The factory fancy just feel unneeded.